Intelligence, Passion, Creativity

The attributes which I hold close to my heart such as integrity, loyalty, and honesty follow me into every aspect of my life.

I’m a nice man who is considerate and respectful of other people’s feelings. I am compassionate, a great listener and one who’s not afraid to show emotions.

I am a realist and a dreamer and believe that trust, compassion, caring and love are emotions that are shown in one’s action, rather than what is said or written. You will feel them through your sense of touch, the way it is spoken and in the gaze of your partner. These are things which should not be a for granted.

I am loyal and a good friend to many. I believe in community service and that it is important to give back at some level.I believe not only in what a woman looks like, but her heart play is the most important to me.

I am a man who likes good conversation and doesn’t like to argue. A constructive, friendly debate on the other-hand, can be productive and enlightening.My veins flow with compassion and empathy for people and animals.

Also i do believe in common courtesy and pay attention to a woman’s likes and dislikes. It makes it easier deliver on the former and avoid the latter. I like preparing a meal with or for my partner. I’m quite accomplished on the grill.

I am comfortable in my own skin and require someone that is as well. Confidence is good, arrogance is bad. I think less is more when it comes to makeup and prefer a woman that generally puts herself together well. She should enjoy getting dolled up for a nice evening but be comfortable in jeans. It’s fun and important to have celebrations whenever possible

My Ideal Partner

The QUALITY of a loving relationship is based on how we celebrate being together(SUBSTANCE) not what we call ourselves (FORM) i.e. friends, lovers, partners, spouse.

What I look for in a partner, a woman that can rock my world, will leave me in “awe”, who shares some of my interests, willing to try new things, committed on working on our relationship,

willing to compromise, someone who will help me to understand her as I will help her understand me, someone who is open minded, not afraid to voice her opinion, someone who likes to cut loose and have fun and believes in a monogamous relationship.
I am a one-woman man and not into serial dating.

Username hutchison13
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: UNITED STATES*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the project.

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