looking for men

I can be different, but in my soul I am kind and honest person. I value sincerity in people and their devotion to themselves and their own principles. I value generosity in full meaning of this word. I can say that I am a demanding person but I’m demanding to myself as well. I am very easy-going and optimistic, I love everything beautiful. I adore travelling and enjoy nature. It is very important for me to love and to be loved. I believe that LOVE will save the World! I can add that I’m very friendly, energetic and caring

My Ideal Partner

I’m looking for a nice, goal-oriented man who is successful in life. I wish him to be a happy person with positive outlook at life. So, I am looking for man who is like me. I want him to be kind and tender with me. I want him to achieve his aims and be strong. I want a man who knows what he wants from this life. I like when he is responsible for things he does. I’d like him to be caring and loving.

Username ekaokeka
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