im jessica!! add me..i want a guy those who are lonely i make you all happy

They say I am down-to-earth and people

like me because I am
straightforward well thats nice but sorry

if I get you offended. I
like serious
and determined people. I don’t judge a

book by its cover, so
people aren’t necessarily my style. I am

afraid of failure and scared
to have a go at the career I would like

to have in case I don’t
succeed. I dont give up when I haven’t

yet even started! Be courageous
say hell yeah tough silly gal! hee hee! I

am concerned about my image
the way others see me. This means that I

try to be accepted by other
people. It’s time for me to believe in

who I am, not what I wear.
Sometimes I might find myself in a

dilemma when trapped with a
problem, which
my HEART rather than my HEAD needs to

solve. ;)

My Ideal Partner

I wanna meet someone real who likes an

outgoing girl who speaks her
mind. I like to joke around so you need

to have a sense of humor
you wont get me or you?ll just think I?m

mean. I?ll tell you straight
up how I feel even though I know that

guys just tend to not be as open
with feelings as women. The key to bridge

that is honesty. This goes
for all guys, if you like her, tell her;

that way she won?t be kept
guessing and then she won?t be worried

about what you?re thinking
she?ll be secure with the relationship.
You can never tell someone you love them

too often?If you feel it, say
In general, I like people who say what

they mean; I also like people
who can goof off?I guess I can be

immature but I’m also serious and
mature at the right times as well. Goofy

is good, but you HAVE to know
to be serious.

Username sexyhotjessica
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: PHILIPPINES*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the project.

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