Boys Don’t Cry

i’m just a simple girl waNts soMe aDventuRe in a rIsk tAker tyPe of persOn i want the feeLing of AdreNalin ruNNing throughout my boDy..oww.. tHats reAlly maKe me exCitIng and soMetimes horny.. you reAd it Can Be SubmissIve or Possesive.. dEpends on My mooDs.. soMetimes im Moody but eAsily to be with.. i’m fUn to be wIth.. add me to ur addy babe, here’s my addY, lovely_lara69@yaho o dot come or lovely_lara69@h0tmale dot com,, So, i’LL be waiting you Hun,! byE taKe cAre! mMwaHHhh !!

My Ideal Partner

I’d like to meet a person that is sweet, caring, loving, and understanding and willing to sacrifice and help for me..I’d like to meet

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the project.

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