hot hot hot

I realized that life isnt always greener on the other side
I hate negativity. I like to feel good about myself but I think its because too often im my biggest critic. That means that I am confident while insecure and modest. Overall, I am a paradox in so many different ways. hehehehehhehe
I want to stand out, I always had my own personality.
I love laughing really deeply…. and cant stand the hum of a fake laugh, especially when its my own..
I am real… as much as I can be.
You will never really have me completely figured out, even when you think you do. I tend to surprise people with what I have to say.
I love too easy..
I like those that want to better me but too often they can be confused with those that enjoy bringing me down. I wish I understood how they sleep.
Sleep sounds nice actually… I wish I actually got around to it.
I love independence Nothing is better than a guy that loves me because he wants to not because he needs love in his life. I am learning more and more that I need more time to myself (me time) and that love is not something that can reproduce on a yearly basis.
I am nice, which means sarcasm is rare to find on a night with me.
I do anything at any time. I dont use planners, I always go with the flow and .I find spontaneity exciting..
I am smart, but I dont exactly showcase it
I believe in Karma and I believe that it really does come back around.
I love Beauty I love those who have beauty, who showcase beauty.
I love confidence. Its sexy, smart, and powerful but too much is scary.
I can relate to anyone, I make others comfortable and I give great advice partially because I tend to care a lot.
I always wonder how there are so many people. I do not believe in soul mates.
I live to analyze and love to dance. Loud music is my home.
I yearn for those that put a smile..

My Ideal Partner

you gotta be hot… …. …. …. … … ….

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