sexy college girl

I’m Tracy, I’m in college rigth now. I’m taking up accounting major
on management. I am a simple person blessed with kindness,sincerity
and good values . being intelligent yet funny,serious,eye cathers.
some people would always feel envy. i just bought a condo and now i spend
a lot of time in the mall trying to buy stuff for my new place.
Sometimes, i go out to eat with my friends. when im free at night and
i don’t have any assignment to do . i invite my friends for a sleep over
here in my condo. Do you want know my other side or my wildess side…..

My Ideal Partner

I like to meet a guy who is really intellegent.the one that i can talk with
interesting to be a sucsefull person in the future. I love people that
is humurous.sometimes i like guy that one will drive me crazy ha.ha.hA.


in a high mountain







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