hello there everyone……………………..

Sometimes I get in my car and contemplate driving as far as I can. I see myself ending up in some pay by the week motel in Arizona, somewhere around Flagstaff. Eventually, I would win big money at one of those Indian casinos. Then I could buy an Airstream trailer and hang pink gingham curtains and grow a little garden with the best tomatoes you’ve ever eaten. I would run my motel with a classic 1950’s Route 66 theme complete with an Elvis honeymoon suite and a guitar shaped pool. I do realize that my scenario seems a tad unoriginal, but I like it. The only downside is the Airstream trailer. The bathroom might be a little too small, but I can always use the one in the Marilyn Monroe suite at my motel. Did I mention the Marilyn suite? Well, it’s pink and more pink…maybe with a few touches of chartreuse. Unfortunately, I will probably never do any of that. Instead, after a hiatus of 8 or so years, I am going to go back to college and will resume my boring studies. The plan is to become a teacher.. Yes, I will be responsible for your children’s futures and they’ve never been in better hands. (please pause for a moment to laugh amongst yourselves.)
I like reading, watching soaps, people watching, antique shopping, having a good drink and good conversation, and I really like wasting gas just driving around looking at houses I wish I could afford. Sounds lame, I know. I’d like to think that I am funny enough for people to want to be around me, but aware enough to know what is important in life. And I still sometimes watch Mr. Rogers and feel a pang of sadness when Trolley comes around the corner and I know the show is almost over.

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im looking for someone interesting like u….. or just add me stephaniechane in ym

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