i am dora

my nameis Dora Kelii however, this isn’t always the best option. Talking about what’s really going on in your mind and your heart gives you the opportunity to release any painful or negative emotions you didn’t know you had bottled up. Trust me, there are almost always bottled up emotions you’re unaware of. If you don’t have anyone you feel you can trust to talk to, try talking to a group of people online. A great place to start would be myanonymous advicer. Use them as a sounding board to get inspiration or just to get everything off your chest. Whoever you talk to, you’ll be glad you did

My Ideal Partner

heard working people and sexy men and an intelligent person

Username dora kelii
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: NIGERIA*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the Scammerz.org project.

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