Well…I ‘am trying to be a

I am Loving and single. I am not looking for someone to call my own because I want to settle down now. What I am looking for is to find that SPECIAL SOMEONE to become my Best Friend and to Create and Share Wonderful, Loving Moments with. I am a helpless Romantic at heart and feel that the most important attribute in a Loving and Healthy relationship is trust and respect for one another. I am extremely affectionate and could only Grow and Share in a relationship with a woman that was also very affectionate. Sharing a closeness (holding hands, rubbing each other legs, etc) is that single fuel that fills and satisfy’s my heart. It is that closeness that you think about when you are apart that brings a smile to your face and also to your heart. When I am having a bad day or need a little lift, it is that Special closeness that two share that lifts my spirits and keeps me grounded… I love to pamper the woman I am sharing my life with. That is not to say she is less than me, but just my way of showing her that She is SPECIAL in my life and my Heart. I love to cuddle watching movies and even holding hands while walking in the park. I have never been a man to give a woman any type of card without first spending a lot of TIME reading each card and trying to select that Single CARD that expresses how and what I feel in my heart. Even after the card is selected, I will ALWAYS take the time to write down a few paragraphs in the card telling my Lady why she is so important to me and how I feel about us and what we have or are creating. Too many men just buy a card and sign it. For me, that is just not Personal enough and is just the easy way out…. I like to surprise my lady with flowers or maybe just some little things that I know she likes. I pay close attention to our conversations and what she likes and dislikes. Good communication starts with the willingness to listen, and not only listen but to pay attention to what the other person is saying. There is noting more rewarding than seeing my Lady’s face light up when I surprise her with something she had told me she liked during a previous conversation. Here are just a few things I like to share with that special someone in my life. Dinner out to a very nice restaurant that has a good atmosphere. Riding 4-Wheeler on a trail, very slowly, just she and I carrying on a conversation while the whole time we are holding on to each other. Taking a long drive on a Sunday to the mountains just to see the scenery and to find a quaint restaurant that we have never visited and enjoying dinner and creating a remember able moment there. Snuggling on a cold day in the winter in front of the fireplace and watching a movie. Going to the movies on the weekend and acting like teenagers as we sit there holding each other and watching the movie. Not to bring up any past experiences, but in my last relationship, we were EXTREMELY affectionate with each other and my Kids use to tell us all the time to

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