Got more moves than a bowl of jello

This is the bit I hate most and I swore I’d never do this, but I suppose I’ve just had my arm twisted by a friend and what the heck. If you’re going to get wet, you might as well take the plunge.


Good looking, intelligent, sometimes a little crazy and impulsive, but above all else fun. I’m a great dad. A sensitive, loyal and caring friend. Have sparkling grey eyes (when I’m not tired!), and I enjoy being sporty without being a gym junky. Nothing like a little pain to keep one trim.

I can be a hopeless romantic and you don’t need a team of horses to drag it out of me. You just have to be you and love life a little. Because that’s me. Oh……and I’m not desperate to be in a relationship.

I tend to laugh…..too much….but know when to be serious. I am not very material, and hate people that are. After all, it’s who you are that matters, not the labels on your clothes.

And as for gold diggers: try the mines up north!

I have travelled a lot in life, working on three continents. Travel is important to me. So is cooking (I know, not very ‘manly’). So is good wine….in small quantities! And I even love gardening, art and pretty much anything that keeps me outdoors….especially if water is involved (and there’s a blatant clue about me!).

You’ll never find me bored. I have an independent streak. I like to be challenged. It’s not about winning. It’s about trying to better oneself.

And the greatest value I place on everything is family. I may be fun and driven, but I never forget the real things that count: ‘us’.

My Ideal Partner

a woman who is ready to love and loves a whole lot of adventure.


ummmmmmmmm.will tell you when we meet.

Username bowlofjello
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: NIGERIA*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the project.

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