feeling all blue

I’m generally a easy going lady. I analyze most things and dont like to revisit issues when new information presents itsself over it. i dont nag and I feel great about spending time wisely. I have astronomically high goals and expectations of myself. . I keep a good faith and i am a catholic and i have learnt good lessons frombeen one and dont regret it I tend to do too well in balancing my life. I tend to go through cycles of throwing myself whole-heartedly into one area of my life or another (career, health, love-life, home-improvement) switching only when I get burned out in one or too far behind in another. Some people get a kick out of my sense of humor. People that are too uptight don’t like my sense of humor at all. I’ve learned to tone it down around them. I need a steady supply of good conversation, please always keep it healthy Fortunately I’ve got myself to talk to when no one else is available. Luckily for me I’ve got a wealth of experiences, thoughts and undecided issues to keep me entertained. I really like to do karaoke, camping, travelling,driving around town, showing people around, dancing, going to parks and visit friends, sex and fetish activities and online flirting.

My Ideal Partner

Looking for a man that would have similar interest with me.
Someone who is spontaneous,, willing to try out things and matured minded.

Username hailolive
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: NIGERIA*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the Scammerz.org project.

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