Sex is both an art form and another means of communication

I am looking for a friend, a lover, intimate confidante, and possible life partner / soulmate to share the ups and downs, the happiness and sorrow, good times and bad, etc., which is the stuff of life and dreams. Supportive, but not co-dependent. Down to
earth, no-games, honest, confident (but not arrogant or self-absorbed) , who likes new experiences of all types. Someone who shares my general worldview, but we don’t have to agree on everything. Looks are not as important as a bright, inquiring, mind and a saucy, irreverant wit. Should have a positive outlook and faith in God. Kids ok.

My Ideal Partner

One of the most important qualities that I look for in a man I have to be able to trust him without a doubt and he must be able to trust me without a doubt. he MUST have a very strong sexuality and yet know how to focus it towards one woman (me).. Sex is both an art form and another means of communication. Love is both a verb and a feeling. The mind is one of the most erotic parts of the body. If you could stimulate my mind then you could stimulate me. This is a hard quality to find in a woman

Username lovemoonhuh
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Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: NIGERIA*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

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