Looking for my Mr

I describe myself as a kind, positive, fun-loving, independent woman who has high energy. I am honest, dependable, loyal, spontaneous, caring, flexible, and non-judging.I like to plan and set life, personal, and financial goals. I enjoy being with others and I like to be alone. My greatest accomplishment is having a soulmate that will make me happy at all times. I miss the companionship which comes with marriage and the day-to-day caring and love for a special friend and soul mate. I like to be with family (daughters,sons, parents, siblings) and friends. I enjoy taking long walks, meeting friends for dinner, traveling (cruises are my favorite), reading, working, going to movies/plays, watching UNC

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the Scammerz.org project.

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