Just make it real for me

I consider myself a gentle, intelligent, and cultured individual who believes in opening doors and walking on the curbside of the sidewalk when I am with a woman. Personal hygiene is very important to me

My Ideal Partner

Dress wear is never a problem, as I love dressing in everything from a tuxedo to jeans, depending on the event. Scholarship, whether required or elective, is always good for intellectual growth. On the other hand, I have a vivid sense of humor! I think it is very important to have a sense of humor as humor is naturally medicinal and potentates healing. I love a to hear a good story or a corny joke!

Username hannaspears40
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: GHANA*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the Scammerz.org project.

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