Am Looking For A Soul Mate

The roof of the house will not be constructed with the help of one wall. And it will become more and more stable when there are walls that support it. There are always base walls – husband and wife. And there are also some auxiliary walls – their children. When all the walls are strong the house will be full of happiness and optimism. For me family and relations include everything. I want to create such family that would become a team in everything. I want us to have fun together relaxing at the seaside in summer, I want us to learn skiing in winter and I want us to have our own traditions. If this comes true I will be proud of the loving, devoted and tender attitude we have towards each other. I believe nothing is impossible and I agree with the good saying that possible is everything you can imagine! I am very positive and open-minded woman. I am rarely into depressions because I believe that our world is very beautiful, we just need to find it out. It is easier ! to live for the optimists and I may say that I am one of such people!.

My Ideal Partner

I am looking for the man who is as sensitive as I am and who is as tired of loneliness as I am. I am looking for ordinary, kind-hearted, loving man who will be ready to give his heart to me and whom I will be able to give the key to my heart!! I understand there are no perfect people, but I am sure two people can be perfect for each other and I am looking for such man. I dream to have the man next to me who knows what faithfulness and sincerity is and how it is important to love and to be loved!! I am searching and waiting for such man!!!





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